Good morning, everyone! It's been a while since I last posted - I've been 'helping' with the renovations on the house which has kept me fairly occupied. Thankfully, I still have the evenings free to knit and crochet. I've been making ruffle scarves which are really satisfying and quick to make. A lot of my relatives and friends will be having one for Christmas, so they're money-saving, too! I shall post photos and pattern instructions in my next post.
The weather, having been really wet and windy for the last three weeks, suddenly took a change for the better yesterday, and we had a glorious day. I managed to empty some flower tubs, and I brought my geraniums in to over-winter in the conservatory. I shall spend some time over the next couple of months deciding what to do with the garden in the spring - which seems a long way away right now!
Christmas is looming now that December is here. We are planning on visiting the UK in January. This will be my first Christmas without seeing the children and grandchildren, which I'll find really difficult. Thank heavens for Skype; at least I can see them all on the day, even if it is only on screen. We are spending Christmas day with some very good friends who live about an hour away. We'll be staying overnight, which will be lovely. They are both chefs so, of course, we are really looking forward to it! I can't remember the last time I didn't have to cook the Christmas dinner, so it will be a real treat. We'll be taking lots of wine, some cheeses, chocolates, and other goodies with us, and I just know we will have a great time in wonderful company.
Here in France, they've just started putting up the decorations in the stores so everything is looking lovely. The gift ideas have been around for the last month, and one of our local stores has a Croix Rouge (Red Cross) stand which will wrap your pressies in return for a donation to the cause. It's a great idea, and they are very busy. I haven't tried it yet but will do soon.
The Christmas card selections here are, sadly, pretty dire compared to the UK (and very very expensive!), so I'm pleased I already have loads which were bought in the UK before we left. I just need to find time to write them out!
February, mud and hope
February has been a bit challenging here. Toby has been unpredictable and
had a couple of quite violent and scarily out-of-the-blue meltdowns, the
worst of...
3 days ago
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